New paragraph
New Dates for Diaries 2025
now uploaded
along with New years Newsletter for your reading.
Grandparents Day 16th September -
Details to be confirmed via Babysdays

Harvest festival
Throughout September we will be collecting donations, please bring in what you can and give to staff at drop off or pick up.
Please see details below....
Parents Meeting - March 2024
March Parents evening
Monday 18th – Butterflies
Tuesday 19th – Caterpillars
Wednesday 20th – Bumblebees
Parents evening booking slots will be available from your child's room leader or keyworkers from the beginning of March. Please be aware that children may not attend the meeting, only parents.
Please let us know if you will be joining us by clicking the link below.
If you can let us know who will be attending, this will allow us to plan accordingly.
Thank you in advance

Nursery Photos
24th November
We are pleased to be welcoming back Joseph from Jampics this year.
Please see posters displayed in our notice boards and information on our News & Events page.
Parents Meetings - November 2023
Parent events coming up –
Please ask a member of staff to book in a slot for your child’s parent meeting.
Bumblebees parent meetings – 6th November
Caterpillars parent meetings – 7th November
Butterflies parent meetings – 8th November
* Spooktacular Event 30th October 2023 *
You child has been sent home with a form this week for this event.
Please complete and get back to us as soon as possible.
We will have various fun activities including Pumpkin carving, fun games, toasting marshmallows, hot dogs and hot chocolate for children and parents.
Harvest Food Collection
We are once again collecting for our local food bank. If you are able to donate we would be very grateful. These are the current items being requested..
Parents Questionnaires 2023
Parents have been sent via Babysdays a link to complete a questionnaire. This questionnaire is to help us to review our practice, to see what we are doing well in and what we could make better.
We would really appreciate your time in completing these at your earliest convienience.
World Nursery Rhyme Week
We will be taking part in Nursery Rhyme week on the
 13th - 17th November 2023.
There will be a number of activities planned around the children including, craft activities, Obstacle courses, Water play and lots of singing of Nursery Rhymes. It would be great if you can take part at home, please follow the link
May Newsletter now available on home page
Nursery close - Staff training day - 9th June 2023
Bank holiday closures
1st May
8th May
29th May
28th August
Closed between Christmas and New year close 6pm on the 22nd December and reopen on the 2nd January 2024
Now viewable on our homepage
Please find above on tab our new Covid-19 Outbreak management plan for your reading and understanding.
Now Viewable on our home page
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is being reformed and there is a new EYFS framework that all schools and settings will have to follow from September 2021.
These national changes have been made to better support all young children’s learning and development. It is also the aim that the new framework will better prepare children for the transition into key stage 1.
Healthy Teeth
Tooth decay is the most common reason for hospital admission for children aged 6-10 years-old. Whilst it is largely preventable it still remains a serious public health problem. PHE data shows that in 2017, almost a quarter of 5-year-olds started school with tooth decay. Whilst oral health has improved in this age group significant inequalities persist with almost half (47%) of 5 year olds in Rochdale having tooth decay in comparison with 13% in Cambridgeshire. In the most deprived decile in England, over a third of children have dental decay (36.3%), compared to just 12.5% in the least deprived decile. Tooth decay impacts on children and families, children who have toothache or who need treatment may have; pain, infections and difficulties with eating, sleeping, speaking and socialising. They may have to be absent from school and parents may also have to take time off work to take their children to a dentist or to hospital. Children’s poor oral health links to other key policy areas such as getting the best start in life, inequalities, child obesity, school readiness and development of speech and language.
We are currently looking at the topic 'All about me' . Why not use household objects to recreate ourselves and our families. Great fun activity for everyone, please send us photos of your creations so that we can display when we return
Preschool room would have been focussing on the letter 'u' next week. If you can use the below worksheets to look at the letter and sound. You can extend this activity by finding things around the house that belong with the same sound. There is a link below of how to pronounce the letter 'u' using the Jolly phonics program which we use in nursery.
Home made Peg boards at home.
You can use wood and nails or even a cup cake baking tray. You can use elastic bands, hair bands or even string. This activity is great for fine motor skills and matching colours and patterns. We use these within the setting and the children love them. Why not try making letters with them or even their name.
All about me activity for Bumblebees & Butterflies children
Please use the worksheet below to ask your child questions about themselves. Please encourage them to count independently their fingers and toes and maybe even yours.
If the worksheets can be returned, that would be great, please email or return to nursery from the 18th.
I can spell my name activity
Write on a piece of paper or card (in Lower case) your child's name. Cut each letter out and try and encourage your child to sound out their name and begin to recognise the letters.
People that help us
May 2020 planning
People that help us
May 2020 planning
People that help us
May 2020 planning